Special Post!

Ahoy, fellow voyagers! Welcome aboard to Let The Ship Sail! This is your captain Loveseeker speaking. As a special treat to all of you who have been following me all these weeks, I've decided to make a special tribute post to my favorite type of shipping of all. That's right, I'm talking about INCEST! Because after all, how could two souls be more perfect for each other than when they're already related by blood?


Hope you all enjoyed that. Seriously, though, I wanna take this chance to give you all a little update about this blog.

As you can imagine, it's gotten less fun to force myself to push out a whole detailed analysis about a certain pairing every week, which is why I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. To be honest, I actually started this blog because I was hoping that one day it would become popular enough to attract sponsors and I could actually make living off of it. But now I realize that, in all likelihood, that's probably never happening. So the only reason I have left to continue is just for fun and like I said, it's no fun forcing myself to write if I'm just not into it.

Before you all think that I'm abandoning ship completely, let me assure you that that is NOT what's happening. I will continue adding new posts about my favorite ships, but I'll only do it when I feel like it's the right time. So don't worry, LTSS isn't going down anytime soon.

Thanks for your understanding, loyal voyagers. Until next time, this is Captain Loveseeker saying… Let The Ship Sail!


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