
Ahoy! Welcome to Let the Ship Sail! This is your captain Loveseeker speaking. There's a term that gets tossed around in shipping circles called a "rare pair." It's a ship that's mostly only supported by a small minority of a fandom as opposed to ones that are much more popular. I'm about to share with you one of my personal favorite rare pairs, Reneecoln, the pairing of the two characters Lincoln Loud and Renee from the animated series The Loud House.

For those of you not familiar with this particular series, Lincoln Loud is the lead character. A boy in a house full of ten girls. Lincoln is a die-hard fan of comic book superhero Ace Savvy and in the season 2 episode "Back Out There," his friends try to help him find a new love interest after his old one, Ronnie Anne Santiago, moves away. The first girl they set him up with is Renee, a girl who's as big a fan of Ace Savvy as Lincoln is. At first, the two seem to hit it off really well, until Lincoln spots the only copy of a rare limited edition AS comic book, thus leading the two kids to have a tug of war over it.

Now, why is this such a rare pair? Because this one episode is the only time Renee has actually appeared. The scene between her and Lincoln lasts about a minute before his friends move on and try to set him up with another girl.

As I said before, this episode takes place after Lincoln's previous love interest, Ronnie Anne, moves to a new city. Hovever, even though she moved away, she's still managed to stay a part of the series. She and Lincoln still chat online and visit each other in person from time to time. The thing is, though, the two of them were never officially a couple (even though everyone else inside and outside of the show saw them as one).

Ronnie Anne first appeared as a bully to Lincoln. Then his sisters suggested that she was only picking on him because she had a crush on him. At first, he thought the idea was ridiculous, but then he actually got excited about the idea of a girl liking him. So he decided to test out their theory by going up to her and kissing her. He gave her a kiss and in return she gave him.... a punch in the eye. Afterwards, though, she secretly sent him an ice pack and her phone number.

Eventually, the two of them started hanging out as friends. They even kissed one time on a (forced) date. So with all this evidence and history behind Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, how could I not support what is clearly meant to be the more popular ship? Well, I used to, but the more I watched them interact, the more I realized that had very little in common and not the kind of chemistry that says 'romance.' That's when I decided that Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were better off as friends.

I feel inclined to mention that Lincoln has actually had MULTIPLE love interests over the course of the show. There have been quite a few episodes that involve him becoming attracted to and trying to impress some new girl. Sometimes even four girls at once. Out of all of them, though, Renee has been my favorite. She may have been a one-shot character who was only on screen for a few seconds, but during that time, she and Lincoln presumably shared a whole conversation about their favorite comic series before ultimately fighting over that one comic book. I'm sure that if they gave each other another chance, they could become very close.

Image by DarkBrawlerCF1994

When I think of Lincoln and Renee together, I imagine the kind of relationship I would want to have. Somebody who shares my passions and who I can have a detailed an intimate conversation with about them. I just love imagining these two huddling together as they share a comic book, reading out loud to each other, expressing ideas about what could happen next and just being adorably nerdy together. I would kill for Renee to have at least one more major appearance. She and Lincoln seem like they would really understand each other more than anyone else.

Image by StarDustQueen42

That's all for now, loyal voyagers! Thanks for setting sail with me today! Until next time, this is Captain Loveseeker saying... Let The Ship Sail!


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