
Hello, good people of the internet, and welcome to Let The Ship Sail. This is your captain Loveseeker speaking.

This is a blog about shipping! If you don't know what that is, it's when you believe two (or maybe more) characters from a TV show, movie, book, comic book, etc., would make a good couple. It's one of the many forms fandom can take and it's gonna be the theme of this brand new blog. I have a lot of favorite ships that I love to think about. Every week or so, I'll be publishing a new post about one of my favorite ships where I explain why I think they're so good together. If this sounds like it'll float your boat, then welcome aboard. If not, then prepare to walk the plank.

Now without further ado, let's get all hands on deck, weigh the anchor and Let The Ship Sail!


  1. It's always interesting to see why people love their ships. Even though I'm not shipping as much as I used to.


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