Diane x King

Ahoy! Welcome to Let the Ship Sail! This is your captain Loveseeker speaking and this week, we'll be looking at a ship that's fairly new to me, but that I still greatly adore nonetheless. It's none other than the pairing of Diane x King from The Seven Deadly Sins.

Diane, The Serpent's Sin of Envy and a mighty warrior of the Giant race. She's sweet and bubbly most of the time, but get on her bad side and prepare to get squashed like a bug. She also has a bit of a jealous streak (hence her nickname) and can sometimes come off as an uppity little child, but she has an extremely kind heart, as strong sense of justice and is fiercely protective of those she cares about.

King, The Grizzly's Sin of Sloth, is also known as Harlequin, the king of the Fairies. He may have the appearance of a 13-year-old, but in fairy years, he's basically an adult. He's a strong fighter with a sense of fairness and does his best to keep those he cares about safe, especially Diane.

Now, for this entry, I'm only going by what I've seen in the anime as I have not read the manga. With that said, these two make for a very adorable couple. Diane and King have known each other for over 300 years. After King lost his memory, he was found by a young Diane, who took care of him and kept him company. For the longest time, all either of them had were each other. She fed him and gave him a place to live, while he stayed by her side when she was sick and made her some new clothes. They were the best of friends.

Until King regained his memory and had to leave Diane to save his home and his people. Still, he swore that he would come back to her someday, having promised to always stay by her side. He erased her memories of him so she wouldn't miss him and be sad. 

That was over 200 years ago and as far as Diane knows now, she only met him when they first formed the Seven Deadly Sins. Although, in the season 2 episode (or the OVA series, however you choose to look at it) "In Pursuit of First Love," King and Diane spend the whole day together exploring the town and having fun. Diane gets him to play a game with her that was just like one they played when they knew each other before. Then later, she says something to him that's exactly the same as something he said to her all those years ago.

Eventually, King's suspicions get the best of him, so he asks her straight out if she has regained her memories. And how does she answer him? With a kiss on the cheek.

That moment got me so excited. I couldn't wait to see more of where it would go. But unfortunately, right after that kiss, King get conked on the head by a falling brick which wipes out his memory of the whole freaking day, much to Diane's annoyance (and mine of course). 

That's actually been a recurring thing with these two. As soon as one of them regains their memory, the other has to lose theirs. You know what that feels like?

Still, even if she can't totally remember him right now, it's great to know that she still thinks very highly of him and wants to know more about how they relate to each other. If she doesn't completely regain her memories this time, then it's a chance for her to get to know him all over again. Whatever happens, no matter what forces may try to drive them apart, it's clear that they'll always be able to find their way back to each other.

Image by mamala

That's all for now, loyal voyagers! Thanks for setting sail with me today. Until next time, this is Captain Loveseeker saying... Let the Ship Sail!


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