
Showing posts from January, 2019

Diane x King

Ahoy! Welcome to Let the Ship Sail! This is your captain Loveseeker speaking and this week, we'll be looking at a ship that's fairly new to me, but that I still greatly adore nonetheless. It's none other than the pairing of Diane x King from The Seven Deadly Sins. Diane, The Serpent's Sin of Envy and a mighty warrior of the Giant race. She's sweet and bubbly most of the time, but get on her bad side and prepare to get squashed like a bug. She also has a bit of a jealous streak (hence her nickname) and can sometimes come off as an uppity little child, but she has an extremely kind heart, as strong sense of justice and is fiercely protective of those she cares about. King, The Grizzly's Sin of Sloth, is also known as Harlequin, the king of the Fairies. He may have the appearance of a 13-year-old, but in fairy years, he's basically an adult. He's a strong fighter with a sense of fairness and does his best to keep those he cares about safe, espec


Ahoy! Welcome to Let The Ship Sail! This is your captain Loveseeker speaking! For our first voyage, we're setting sail for an animated series called Gravity Falls to check in on one of my favorite ships of all time, Dipper Pines x Pacifica Northwest. Also known as the S.S. Dipcifica!   Dipper Pines is one of the lead characters of the series. He's a 12-year-old boy who loves solving mysteries as well as other things that stimulate his brain like crossword puzzles and tabletop games like Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons. As you can imagine, he's also socially awkward, usually relying on his more outgoing sister Mabel to get him out of his comfort zone. Pacifica Northwest is a snobby rich girl and the most popular kid in town. She specializes in putting other people down and doing whatever it takes to stay on top. In the first season of the show, she only made a handful of appearances, acting as a personal rival and antagonist for the other lead character Ma


Hello, good people of the internet, and welcome to Let The Ship Sail. This is your captain Loveseeker speaking. This is a blog about shipping! If you don't know what that is, it's when you believe two (or maybe more) characters from a TV show, movie, book, comic book, etc., would make a good couple. It's one of the many forms fandom can take and it's gonna be the theme of this brand new blog. I have a lot of favorite ships that I love to think about. Every week or so, I'll be publishing a new post about one of my favorite ships where I explain why I think they're so good together. If this sounds like it'll float your boat, then welcome aboard. If not, then prepare to walk the plank. Now without further ado, let's get all hands on deck, weigh the anchor and Let The Ship Sail!